From the experience gained with the first two editions of Bologna Game Farm, the need arose to create a series of orientation activities dedicated to mobile video games.

The aim is to support development teams dedicated to mobile gaming, as mobile games by their very nature have very specific production methods, monetization and market access that differ from those of the PC and CONSOLE markets.

We gave companies and freelancers nationwide the opportunity to apply to participate in the BGF@Mobile process.

The proposals received were evaluated internally on the basis of the technical skills, the solidity of the company/freelancer and the motivation/interest in mobile game development. Priority was given to applications coming from Emilia Romagna (presence of an operating HQ in the region).

In 2023, six teams were selected with sufficient technical qualifications to be autonomous in the production of a mobile video game from both a technical and creative point of view. Particular emphasis was placed on skills and experience in digital marketing, business management (economic/financial experience), game development (programming, Unity3D), IT development (programming) and game development (UI, graphics).

From an operational point of view, the orientation and pre-acceleration activity consists of three meetings that take place remotely and are supervised by experienced mentors proposed by IIDEA and coordinated by Orbital Games.

The second edition of BGF@Mobile was launched on May 14, 2024!
All info on when and how to participate here.

For more information write to